Once again I have an update on my Titanic.
First off I have to say that if I had this to do all over again I would have taken a different route. Lots of problems with this kit. Didn't notice them till it was too late. Now I just have to fix all the little mistakes somehow.

"She looks Tres Jolie but is she seaworthy?" (willy wonka and the chocolate factory)
From a distance she looks fine but closer in and the mistakes become quite obvious, lots of touch up painting to do.

I ruined all but six of the railings included with the kit, and for some reason the PE parts that were supposed to be here arent. Teaches me not to buy second hand. Oh well. The first and second funnel are done and I think they look ok. Maybe not up to some standards but then I also have alot of touch up white to do. I used some eyebolts from a 1/96 scale constitution kit and they work perfectly.

Started the 3rd funnel. BTW I had to redo the decks earlier as I ran out of the formula I had mixed up before. Now I wish I had gotten a can of the wood for the decks before I had even began. But all in all not really all that bad.

Second funnel close up.

A fuzzy pic, need a new camera.

Okay, laugh all you want at the yellow line but honestly, hard to do. I will touch up this with black and white to straighten it.

Details, details. Lots of details. I will caution model builders, this kit is maddening! Be prepared. I wasn't. Below is a list of things you SHOULD have before doing this kit...
Photo etched railings
Spray paint (White, Black, Red, and Wood)
Small paint bottles (White, Black, Wood, Rust, Green, Gold, Steel or Aluminum)
A hot surface but not fire
Masking tape
Drill, dremmel, or pin vise