For those of you who are not part of the 1701 club, I wanted to post an update on their progress in the creation of the TOS Enterprise 1/350 scale.
The artwork chosen is amazing and almost makes me drool. (wiping drool off chin) I am so excited and can't wait to get mine. I think that this particular artwork will be on the production model itself and not the exclusive one I will be getting.

Now as for the parts, It is becoming increasingly clear that there is still a bit of work to do, but WOW!

I believe that these are just trial peices. Polar lights also said that the model will be molded in two shades of grey to give the modelers a bit of help with the paint schemes. Of course, any serious modeler knows that painting is always going to be paramount. I will need a few things before this kit is finally released. (Below is a short list)
Spring clamps
Lighting kit, (May have to have one made)
Masking tape
I know this model will cost me at least $300 to $500 to do, but I want to do it right.
I also must decide which version I want to do...First Pilot, Second Pilot, or Production. So many choices, so little time.