Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update HMS Victory

I have been hard at work on the HMS Victory and the results so far (to me at least) are stunning.

 Looking from the Starbard side you can just make out a few guns below. If you notice there is a missing gun. Darn thing came loose and I am unable to get it back out as it is below decks and there is no opening.
 The Forecastle. I used to wonder why it was called that, and now I know. It really does look like a castle. lol
 Beneath decks. Hard to see, I wonder sometimes if it was worth going through alot of detail work when you can't really see it.
 The stern gallery. Makes it look like the rest of the ship disappeared at this angle.
 Looking forward on the Port side
 Bit of a closeup view on the bow. Need to do some touch up painting as soon as the glue dries.
This project so far has been my most difficult. Mainly because of the directions. Some are not too clear and I rely heavily on my own experience to get things just right. BTW I switched to acrylic paints. I find they are much easier to work with and clean up. And they now make gloss acrylics if I need those. (So far I haven't)
I highly recommend them even to first time modellers. I use Anita's All purpose from Hobby Lobby. If you have a hobby shop in your town look for it. It will be in the paint section, not the model section.