Friday, October 19, 2012

HMS Victory update

Well, my Heller HMS Victory is comming along nicely. It has been so far the biggest pain in the asterix that I have ever come across. If you get this kit beware to read every bit of the instructions before you begin. Oh, speaking of that...I didn't and I now have to do a most tedious task of rigging up the deadeyes using two clamps and a couple of marks on the table to get the distance just right. When you do the deadeyes, leave them on the sprues until you finish rigging them. It will make them much easier to do.

 I got the netting from jo-anns fabricks from a $1 bin of edging. Looks good to me.

 Got the bowsprit started and the figureheads on and painted although the picture is too bright to tell.
Dang I really need a new camera. lol

Polar Lights 1/350 TOS Update

Well, there seems to be another small delay, but they are nearly there.

 Just looking at the build shots makes me WANT ONE!! ME WANT ONE BAD!!!!!

 The photo etched parts look good.

 The box art is amazing and true to their word there is a color chart on the bottom.
 For those wanting to light this kit, they made a lighting kit for it, but you can make your own as I might do.
 Of course, this part of it won't come with the standard kit, but I will get one as a member of the 1701 club. Don't know if I will use it though, might sell it on ebay.
 Finally, some shots of saucer coloring. Looks nice doesn't it?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

HMS Victory update

This time no pics, but I had to blog a bit on my progress. This ship is MADDENING!! Definitely not for any beginner, unless you like pulling your hair out by the fist full. I am not a beginner but even I have bald spots. The directions are so vague that it is difficult to follow them. My next step takes me to the bow section and looks VERY intimidating. Somehow I will get through this, but I don't know how. Maybe I should have stuck this model away or sold it on ebay for a nice profit, but I am beginning to regret starting it. If you get this kit beware! HELLER 1/100 HMS VICTORY is nothing to fool with. It will challenge even the most seasoned pro. I have seen pics of some Amazing builds that put mine to shame in areas. Well anyway, had to buy more tweezers, brushes and glue. Already gone through too many paint brushes and glue to think about. By the time this build is over with I will have sunk nearly $200. or more into it. I know it will be worth it, but still...OMG What was I thinking?!!!