Just a bit of an update on my Titanic.

Painted the hull and put in the fiber optics, gotta wait til the glue dries to do any more. Drilling out the portholes took awhile and although I had intended to light the whole ship, I went with the "Pretty" side. to use the F.O. on.

Took a closeup of the bow to give you an idea of the things I am doing to add realism. ie; the scratches down the hull from when Captain smith ordered the anchors lowered to the water line while still in port.

The colors didn't come out right on the camera, but let me assure the nitpickers that the colors are correct to the period and to the ship itself.

Figuring out how to make Whitestar Buff for the funnels wasn't easy. Again, the camera doesn't show it right but they are not orange, they are in fact Whitestar Buff and flat black. When I get to that step I will further detail them with some steel and some smoke blackening on all but the forward funnel.
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